2017年12月21日 星期四

iLhA Formosa!

iF (愛拂), fB of God

>> iLhA Formosa, forever Blessings of God <<

So charming, is those water danced by the sea.
So beautiful, is the is-Land.

Lovely, the sea surrounds the is-Land, again and again Lovely (land). 
Those water, like mother's hands, 
gentling tender her baby, iLhA Formosa,
 with forever Blessings of God.
Thus, the spirit of Confucius can be kept again.
Thus, the spirit of Buddha can be kept agin.
Thus, the spirit of Lao-tzu-ism can be kept again.
Thus, the spirit of Jesus can be kept again.
Thus, the spirit of Muḥammad can be kept again.
Thus, the Lights of God shining Eternally
on this is-Land,
Beings' Public of Dong-Hwa Formosa! 
Jesus Love U!
For Cliff and his honey wife,
these words are translated from the picture of 
"the most Beautiful Lotus", 最美麗的蓮花, "Beings' Public of Dong-Hwa Formosa". 

