2015年8月30日 星期日

20150825-27 Take 30+6 hours to home, from Klagenfurt Hbf

The front wagons go to Milano Central, and the rears go to Rome. 

There are 6 seats per room. The two refugees, neighboring me, are took off. The train was halted longer than one hour at Klagenfurt Hbf for recognizing refugees. Thus I tried to gather some information by talking with the girl (lili vidovic), who got on the train at Vienna and off  just at the next station Villach Hbf visiting her parents. The actions of more than 30 policemen make me very uneasy for a long while.  

More photos: https://goo.gl/photos/vePdxQ3KrM9BbpSU9

20150825 Tour 8 around Kleinsee

Kleinsee, More photos: https://goo.gl/photos/DhaiqwgV1wSafJG26 

2015年8月25日 星期二

20150824 Be seated to dance with Master's Winds

In German, "suchen" means "search for" in English. Searching for nothing and thus being peaceful. In the route 2 above the north shore of Lake Klopeiner, there are winds and wings coming through the forest. Please be seated to dance with Master's Winds, which take care everything, and nothing is not be tendered.

Please be seated to dance with Master's Winds. 

The sun will point out the right direction. Never hurry to find those man-made roads. 

Like a Buddha, so easy to have joys. Believe in sun then shadows behind U. 

How glory you are!

A heart dances with winds but never run out its original position.

No locks are necessary, since nothing can be stolen if peace in your heart.  

I stand here always to release your thirsty. When will U turn to me?  

You need only a suck of water to be happy. "Suchen" nothing thus joys will bless you, Master's lovely dear friend Julie Dixon having a happy birthday on date Aug. 24.  

2015年8月24日 星期一

Ivad Horst residents on PetzenWeg (20150821)

KuehnSdorf Austria

I met the resident, Ivad Horst at the south side of Klopeiner See on Aug. 20, after going down from the church, Georgibergl. On the date Aug. 21, I made the first time swimming in Klopeiner See. The temperature of water is warmer than air. How soft, gentle, and blessing the water is.